Hearing Test

Hearing test in Burlington – CALL US AT 905-635-HEAR (4327)
Please take some time to answer the questions below, perhaps with a close friend or family member who might have commented on your hearing ability.

You may have a hearing loss if you experience one or more of the following:

Questions Yes No
You frequently have to ask people to repeat what they have said
You have difficulty recognizing where sounds are coming from
You can hear people speaking but you have difficulty understanding what they are saying
You understand more of what is being said if you are looking at the person speaking to you
Friends and family complain that you have the TV or radio turned up too high
You cannot hear clearly in noisier places such as a busy restaurant
You feel left out in conversations
You complain that others are mumbling
You strain to hear at a distance such as in a theatre or church
You do not hear the doorbell or telephone
You have difficulty hearing children's voices
You miss jokes because you didn't hear all of what was said
You can no longer hear soft sounds such as birds singing
You need to ask colleagues about the details of a meeting or presentation you attended
You have a history of exposure to loud noise, e.g. working in the construction industry
We recommend that you call 905-637-HEAR (4327), if you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, or if:
  • You can’t hear as well as you used to
  • You’re over 50 and have never had a hearing test
  • It’s more than a year since you last had a hearing test
  • You have a hearing aid but you don’t use it
  • You have a family history of hearing loss
  • Family and friends tell you they are worried about your hearing
  • You have a history of exposure to loud noise, such as working in the construction industry or in entertainment

Contact us to book your appointment for a hearing test.