Common Questions And Answers

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Why should someone with hearing loss be evaluated by an Audiologist?

Audiologists are concerned with the prevention, identification, assessment, treatment, and (re)habilitation of auditory and balance difficulties in children and adults. Audiologists are required to complete a full-time internship and pass a demanding national competency examination. By virtue of their graduate education, professional certification and licensure, audiologists are the most qualified professionals to perform hearing tests, refer patients for medical treatment and provide hearing rehabilitation services.

Do I need a referral to have my (or my child’s) hearing tested?

No, you do not need a referral to have your hearing tested. You can simply call us and make an appointment. We will however (with your permission) write to your family physician with your test results and any recommendations we may have.

What do audiologists do?

Audiologists use specialized equipment to obtain accurate results about hearing loss. These tests are typically conducted in sound-treated rooms with calibrated equipment. The audiologist is trained to inspect the eardrum with an otoscope, perform limited ear wax removal, conduct audiologic tests and check for medically-related hearing problems.

Hearing loss is caused by medical problems about 10% of the time Audiologists are educated to recognize these medical problems and refer patients to ear, nose and throat physicians (known as otolaryngologists). Most persons with hearing impairment can benefit from the use of hearing aids, and audiologists are knowledgeable about the latest applications of hearing aid technology.

Can You Perform Hearing services for infants and children?

Good hearing is essential to the social and intellectual development of infants and young children. Audiologists test hearing and identify hearing loss in children of any age. This includes newborn and infant hearing screening and hearing tests with young children. Pediatric audiologists provide hearing therapy and fit hearing aids on babies and young children with hearing loss.

What is the difference between an Audiologist, a H.I.S, and an E.N.T?

An Audiologist is a healthcare worker with a masters or doctoral degree in Audiology who tests the full hearing system, assesses disorders of the ear and provides communication counseling. An Audiologist dispenses hearing aids and assistive listening devices to return hearing and comprehension as close to normal as possible. Hearing Instrument Specialists are trained to perform some hearing tests, as well as to recommend and dispense hearing aids and assistive listening devices. ENTs are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating diseases of the ear, nose and throat. An ENT will determine whether your child’s hearing loss is treatable (i.e. surgery or medication).

My hearing isn’t really that bad. Why shouldn’t I put off getting hearing instruments?

Untreated hearing loss can progress, sometimes rapidly, resulting in a condition known as “auditory deprivation.” This condition arises when hearing loss goes untreated for an extended length of time and can result in the inability to distinguish and understand certain words.

I can hear people when they talk, but sometimes have difficulty understanding what they are saying. How are hearing and understanding related?

Hearing takes place in your brain; understanding words and sentences is a function of your brain. Your ears collect sound, transform it into nerve impulses and send them to the brain where understanding takes place. If deadening of the nerves (celia) has occurred, understanding may become difficult or sometimes impossible because parts of the sound are missing. A properly fitted hearing instrument is designed to compensate for a loss of sensitivity and can positively affect your ability to hear sound.

I don’t want my friends to know I am hard of hearing. Will others notice I am wearing hearing instruments?

Let’s face it, anybody who knows you well probably already knows you have a hearing problem. Hiding a hearing loss can be much harder to hide than a hearing instrument. The good news — there are hearing aids so small they can look and feel virtually invisible.

What are the signs of hearing loss?

Loss of hearing is often a gradual process, and is more common than people think. Some of the early warning signs of hearing loss are: – you can hear but not understand; – you find it hard to hear in noisy situations or groups of people; – you think people mumble; – you need turn the TV up louder than others or, you don’t always hear the doorbell or the phone.

Why do my hearing aids whistle in my ears?

Referred to as feedback, whistling can be a result of your hearing aids being inserted incorrectly or your volume being too high. If adjustments to the fitting and volume do not correct the feedback, ask your Audiologist to: – check for wax, – see if your earmold tubings or earhooks require replacing, – and check the fit of your hearing instruments.

Please feel free to contact us with any other questions you have?

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